Organic Black Soy Beans Trying something new Week 32 Aug 5th-11th

I actually tried these by accident. But that’s ok, because it ended up being a pleasant experience, if  I do say so myself.  I was really in the mood for black beans one day so while I was out and about, I picked up a can (or so I thought….) of black beans. Not just any black beans, but I had splurged for a can of ORGANIC black beans.  I’ve bought organic DRIED beans before, but never in my life had I bought a can of organic black beans.  Needless to say, I was excited to compare the two,  So the questioned remained….Would it really taste that much better? I was about to find out

 Normally I like to have a crockpot of beans simmering, and ready to eat when I come home from work, but to be honest there are times where simply opening a can of beans is just convenient. Being a vegetarian I get a lot of my protein from beans. Black beans, Garbanzo beans, Great Northern beans, kidney beans and so forth…   they are all pretty darn yummy. I mentioned before that I prefer buying  dried organic beans, but even that can get expensive, so I don’t do it all that often.  However, I have found that you can buy the most expensive dried beans on the market, and it will still end up being less pricy (per serving)  than one cheap can of beans.(Isn’t that good to know)

 So I bought my “black beans” and went home only I didn’t find out until after I had gotten home that I had bought something else. I’m not sure what happened.  I do know it wasn’t a store I usually shop at, and I do remember the aisle had a ton of canned beans  on it and there were all sorts of different brands and kinds, of beans so I can see how it could get a little confusing…..  And the label for both the black beans and the black soy beans were exactly the same, funny how one little word can make all the difference………so I can see how it could easily be placed in the wrong spot,

Needless to say, all of that doesn’t matter, the point is, somehow I had picked up a can of Organic Black SOY beans…. Instead of Organic Black beans….I’ve had green soybeans before , commonly known as edamame, but I hadn’t tried black soy beans, I didn’t even know such a thing existed.  I just shrugged and was thinking, “well, guess I will try it!”

Oh my gosh they were good. I tried the brand Eden Organics, and I was highly impressed, I’m not sure about other canned foods so I don’t know how special this is, but even the cans their food comes in are BPA free!  And I like the fact that Eden is an all  Organic U.S.A. family farm company, that sells a variety of products. The  black soybeans are soaked overnight and thoroughly cooked at Eden’s certified organic and kosher cannery with purified water and zero chemical additives. A ½ Cup serving has 120 calories, 6 grams of fat 7 grams of fiber and 11 grams of protein!  Just like any other bean these yummy black soy beans are great just by themselves or in soups on salads, and of course you can use them to hummus, and so in and so forth.  TRY SOME!

About rachelamb

#lovemuch. #lovelong #lovehard
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